Clizia Moradei

Multidisciplinary designer & PhD in Fashion

Visual, performing arts & fashion
Università Iuav di Venezia

Based in Florece and Venice, Italy


Clizia Moradei is PhD candidate in fashion and previous research fellow at Università Iuav di Venezia. She also carries out a personal experimentation project in the field of jewelry design. 
Her academic research themes include sustainable fashion practices and methodologies with a focus on biomaterials at the intersection with botany, biology and new ecologies; the educational aspect intertwining visual arts, product and fashion design; the relationship between design, craftivism and industrial production. Her current doctoral research analyses the phenomenon that intertwines fungi and fashion, from a new materialist and posthuman perspective. It is a theoretical, educational and case study investigation concerned with fungal material innovation and its social, philosophical and communicative implications within the fashion system. For her research she is collaborating with the material R&D company Pangaia Grado Zero.

Field of research | Area of activity

Sustainable fashion and innovative materials

Keywords related to mycelial space

Fungal fashion, mycelium, biomaterials, natural dyes, interspecies design, posthumanism, new materialism

Related projects

Workshop Interspecies fashion: designing with fungi, 20/10-24/11/2022, Università Iuav di Venezia

Selected publications

Franzo, Paolo, Moradei, Clizia. »From sea to fashion. Seaweeds as material for a sustainable transition«, co-authored with Paolo Franzo, diid Journal (upcoming).

»Ecological crisis and fashion design education: a plant metaphor«, in: Responsible Fashion Series 2021, Routledge (upcoming).

»The invisible fungi: Fashion’s mutualistic invaders«, conference proceedings: Earth, Water, Air, and Fire: the four Elements of Fashion, 2023 (upcoming).

»Ecology is intimacy between strangers: fashion in its material and feminine practices of sustainability«, in: Officina* 41, 2023, 10–17.
»Sustainable Sneakers for a Return to Nature«, in: The Fashion Notebook 2022, di Fabriano Fabbri, Milano: Pearson, 2022, 55–83.

Further publications

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