E. R.

Kanishka Bandara Wijayarathna

PhD candidate

Department of Resource Recovery and Building Technology
University of Borås, Sweden


Kanishka B. Wijayarathna, born in Sri Lanka, is a PhD candidate at the University of Borås, Sweden. He is doing multidisciplinary research in biotechnology, polymer technology and textile engineering. His work is related to material development from fungi grown on food waste. The target application areas of the fungal materials are in the area of textiles.

Field of research | Area of activity

Biotechnology, Polymer technology and textile engineering

Keywords related to mycelial space

Fungal materials, fungal leather, bio-polymers, bio-based materials

Selected publications

2022 Fungal textile alternatives from bread waste with leather-like properties (DOI: 10.1016)

2023 Tunable Fungal Monofilaments from Food Waste for Textile Applications (DOI: 10.1002)

More information

Institutional website

