Altered States. Substances in Contemporary Art / Substanzen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst

Kunstverein Erlangen, Germany


The international group show presents artists who address the topic of altered states of consciousness through photography, video, objects, installation art and performances. There will be an open discourse to ask questions about the effects and potentials of certain substances, the correlations between the distribution and the marginalization of minorities, economic interests and highly profitable black markets, as well as subculture and its capitalist usurpation. Ultimately, the exhibition deals with the relationship between the freedom of the individual and a collective responsibility, with biopolitics and (hetero)normativity. The view on substances is challenged and a light is shed on global consequences as well as future potentials.

Participating artists: Daniel García Andújar (ES), Cassils (CA), Rodney Graham (CA), Sidsel Meineche Hansen (DK), Carsten Höller (DE), Joachim Koester (DK), Mary Maggic (US), Joanna Rajkowska (PL), Thomas Rentmeister (DE), Marten Schech (DE), Jeremy Shaw (CA) und Suzanne Treister (GB)


»Where I forget myself, consent will do.« Dizziness as metaphysical challenge and creative resource


The Mushroom Hunters: Neil Gaiman’s Feminist Poem About Science