Schwammerltage. Eine Ausstellung zur Vielfalt der heimischen Pilze
Exhibition project by the Austrian Mycological Society
Botanical Garden Vienna, AT // Sept 28–29, 2024
Becoming Mycelial
In an interweaving of artistic, scientific and practical approaches, the exhibition makes fungi the linchpin for an open-ended exploration of relational, non-binary and a-hierarchical forms of knowledge production and transfer.
Curated by Mycelial Space // KH7 Artspace, Aarhus, DK // May 10–26, 2024
Closer to Nature. Building with Fungi, Trees, Mud
Architecture and nature inevitably compete for space. That poses a dilemma when resources are finite and the demand for space keeps growing. Besides, we know that the construction sector generates huge waste and emissions. All this has raised issues about the role of architecture: Does it need a shift in perspective?
Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, DE // 16/02–14/10/2024
Ad Minolti. Fables on Abstraction and Fungi
With the exhibition fables of abstraction and fungi, Ad Minoliti transforms the Kunstpalais into an underground realm full of mushrooms, roots and forest creatures.
Kunstpalais Erlangen, Germany / until 04/02/2024
Try, feel, fail. Learn. Think. Play. Observe
In an entanglement of various artistic and practical approaches the group exhibition makes fungi the starting point of a playful and open-ended exploration of relational, non-binary, and ahierarchical concepts of art and knowledge production.
Curated by Mycelial Space // Viktoria – Space for Artistic Research and Social Design, Vienna, 19–25/09/2023
Wiener Pilzfestspiele / Vienna Fungi Festival
In September, when the mushroom season is approaching its peak, MyPilz will make Vienna the capital of fungi with exibitions, films and talks by renowned scientists. Delicious mushroom dishes await you in the restaurants of the Fungi Festival.
Different venues in Vienna, 18–24/09/2023
ZOE – A Performative Installation
Noor Stenfert Kroese and Amir Bastani explore with ZOE the possibilities of internal communication between its robotic system and reishi.
Award Winner of the Media Architecture Biennale, Toronto
Here to Pass, Not to Stay
A project by Ludovica Breitfeld in cooperation with Lejla Alagic, Teuta Jonuzi, Sophie Schaffer, Carlotta Siciliani, Julian Siffert, and Daša Vašková // Kollektiv Kaorle Vienna
MYCELECHO | Resonating with Fungi
Within the Milano Design Week, mogu presents an interactive sound installation inviting visitors to reconnect with Nature through a sensorial, explorative and narrative experience among mycelium materials.
Superstudio Più, Milan, IT, 18–23/04/2023
Pitz potz Blitz
A project by Jonas Studer with Ishita Chakraborty, Other Than Human Entity, Silja Dietiker / Christoph Brünggel, Pearlie Frisch, Christian Greutmann
Eck – Raum für Kunst im Speck, Aarau, CH, 15/04–27/05/2023
Pilz. Versuchslabor und Heilsversprechen
With works by Valentin Beck, Franca Franz, Isabel Fredeus, Patrik Mürner and Soektin Verslype // Benzeholz – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Meggen, CH | 28/10–28/12/2022
The Language of Mushrooms: The Interspecies Internet
First art exhibition on Mycology in China
Contemporary Gallery Kunming
Mouldelling Design: Sensing and Sense-Making
Exhibition project by Samire Gurgurovci, Theresa Hajek, Salma Shaka
29/06–02/07/2021, Angewandte Festival, Vienna
Mushrooms: The Art, Design and Future of Fungi
Exhibition at Somerset House London
Altered States. Substances in Contemporary Art / Substanzen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
The international group show presents artists who address the topic of altered states of consciousness through photography, video, objects, installation art and performances.
Kunstpalais Erlangen, Germany, until 21/05/2018