Es lebt – Konstruktionsmaterialien aus Pilzmyzel
Robert Koeppe holds a PhD in physics, is a multiple company founder, a temporary pastoralist, and a member of Scientists for Future. In 2019, just when he was open to new and meaningful tasks, fungal materials came to him and so he established a working group on the topic at Johannes Kepler University Linz.
University of Art and Design Linz, AT
Pilze retten die Welt. Zum Topos des kollektiven Überlebens
Lecture by Ilka Becker within the conference Nachhaltig vergänglich. Zur Materialität des Verfalls, Schloss Frohnburg, Salzburg
Pilze zwischen den Disziplinen / Fungi Between the Disciplines
Salon Viktoria @ Viktoria Space for Artistic Research and Social Design in Vienna invites actors from different disciplines and practical fields to share knowledge about fungi.
Curated by Mycelial Space
Project Mushroom
Project Mushroom started as a community-led effort to build a safe place on the internet. It is open to anyone who wants to help build a better online experience – free from harassment, free from bigotry, and one that promotes connection, mutual aid, and transformative action at a critical moment in history.
Pilz. Versuchslabor und Heilsversprechen
With works by Valentin Beck, Franca Franz, Isabel Fredeus, Patrik Mürner and Soektin Verslype // Benzeholz – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Meggen, CH | 28/10–28/12/2022
The gift exercise/Invitation 7: Swiss National Park
During their research in Nairs (CH), the artist duo Willimann/Arai follows the traces of a 1000-year-old Hallimasch mycelium.
The Language of Mushrooms: The Interspecies Internet
First art exhibition on Mycology in China
Contemporary Gallery Kunming
Antennae – The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture 58, ed. by Giovanni Aloi, Chicago: Summer 2022
Dizziness – A Resource
Book launch and panel discussion
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Editors: Ruth Anderwald, Leonhard Grond & Karoline Feyertag, Guests: Sarah Kolb & Katrin Bucher Trantow
Mycelial Space – Platform Launch: Sharing Knowledge with/through Mushrooms
Project presentation by Ilka Becker, Sarah Kolb, Jutta Strohmaier within the conference Traversing Topologies. Imagining Worlds and Knowledge with/through Artistic Research
fungible giveaway
Net-based project by Studer / van den Berg within the HEK Net Works series, 01–31/05/2022
Pilze und Dekomposition in der künstlerischen Praxis – Zur Heterogenese agentieller Ästhetiken
Essay by Ilka Becker
In: Annika Schlitte, Markus Verne, Gregor Wedekind (eds.): Die Handlungsmacht ästhetischer Objekte, Berlin: De Gruyter 2021, pp. 25–52
The Mushroom Speaks
Film by Marion Neumann, THE MUSHROOM SPEAKS explores the healing qualities of fungi and their ability to regenerate.
All About Fungi
Film festival at the Top Kino Vienna, curated by Martina Genetti
The Lure of Mycelial Space – Sharing Knowledge with/through Mushrooms
Project presentation by Ilka Becker, Sarah Kolb, Jutta Strohmaier within the conference Traversing Topologies
25/09/2021, Hochschule Luzern (CH)
The Lure of Mycelial Space – Sharing Knowledge with/through Mushrooms
Workshop series, Biosphere Entlebuch (CH), 20–25/09/2021
Organized by Ilka Becker, Sarah Kolb & Jutta Strohmaier within the SARN conference »Traversing Topologies – Imagining Worlds and Knowledge with/trough Artistic Research«
Rhiza – Interspecies Connector
A project by Studio Stenfert Kroese within the Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, 07–14/09/2021
Mouldelling Design: Sensing and Sense-Making
Exhibition project by Samire Gurgurovci, Theresa Hajek, Salma Shaka
29/06–02/07/2021, Angewandte Festival, Vienna
Mediators of Trance: María Sabina – Gordon Wasson – Bruce Conner
Essay by Ilka Becker
In: Ehler Voss (ed.): Mediality on Trial: Testing and Contesting Trance and other Media Techniques, Berlin: De Gruyter 2020, pp. 339-369
Mushrooms: The Art, Design and Future of Fungi
Exhibition at Somerset House London